Billy's Signature Collection

High-end, large arrangements for any occasion.

Favorites in Signature Collection

Bali Signature

Bali - Signature
from $179.95

Viola Signature

Viola - Signature
from $139.95

Pearl Signature

Pearl - Signature
from $99.95

Chanel Signature

Chanel - Signature
from $159.95

Juliet Signature

Juliet - Signature
from $159.95

Willow Signature

Willow - Signature
from $139.95

Belle Signature

Belle - Signature
from $179.95

Amber Signature

Amber - Signature
from $199.95

Estella Signature

Estella - Signature
from $199.95

Coco Signature

Coco - Signature
from $179.95


from $169.95

For over six decades Billy Heroman's has been expertly providing high-quality arrangements for any occasion. Our team of design professionals is devoted to curating this exclusive collection of signature arrangements in hand-selected containers. 

At Billy Heroman's Florist in Baton Rouge, LA, we pride ourselves on crafting designs that not only reach for the sky but also capture the essence of luxury in every petal and leaf. Our tall and luxurious arrangements are a testament to our commitment to elegance and grandeur. Picture towering vases filled to the brim with the freshest, most exquisite flowers – orchids that whisper secrets of far-off lands, roses that blush with the touch of dawn's first light, and lilies that dance gracefully in the gentle breeze.

These arrangements are designed to make a statement, standing tall as symbols of love, celebration, and, sometimes, a quiet tribute to moments that words can't capture.

A Word from Our Customers