Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Posted by Todd McBride on October 27, 2017 | Last Updated: November 3, 2017 Uncategorized

Veterans Day Gifts That Inspire

Feeling moved to send some flowers on Veterans Day? You’re not alone. The desire to honor those who served in the military and to commemorate their extraordinary sacrifices is a popular sentiment come November 11. Whether you’re attending the USS KIDD ceremony or having a ritual in the home, there are some Veterans Day gifts that inspire, and they’re called flowers.

At Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts, we’re aware that there is no official floral item that’s traditionally exchanged on the 11th. Red poppies are reserved for more somber occasions, for instance, while blue forget-me-nots seem more intended for a sweetie you miss who is serving overseas. But while Veterans Day may not get its own flower, there are several candidates in all the right colors you can proudly deliver to your favorite patriot regardless.

Luckily, roses aren’t just for romance. With their deep, abiding red, they can also symbolize loyalty and courage. And in a bed of sky blue hydrangeas – a bloom that looks particularly ethereal – the roses make a strong impression. A sprinkle of little white flowers completes the look in our America the Beautiful design, which includes a mini American white blue cube arrangement hydrangea roses queen anne's lace baton rouge la

A regal arrangement in blue and white reflects the recipient’s dignity and grace, while seasonal greens look appropriate in November. Give our Pledge Allegiance to your cherished vet and make a lasting impression.Light Blue Cube arrangement for December birthdays delivered Baton Rouge LA

Come see us at Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts about Veterans Day gifts that inspire, especially if you’re looking to honor that special vet in your life with a customized piece.