Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Posted by Todd McBride on February 27, 2017 | Last Updated: March 5, 2017 Uncategorized

St. Patrick’s Day Florals

St. Patrick's Day

We’ve barely put away the Mardi Gras decor and we’ve got another great reason to celebrate – and use a lot of left-over green beads! The Wearin’ of the Green Parade takes place here in Baton Rouge on March 18th, one day after the official holiday. But why do we celebrate this day anyway?  Both a cultural phenomenon and a religious observance, the date was originally established as a Catholic feast day, but has grown into a celebration of all things Irish. Whether to show off your own Irish flair or to send a token to your Celtic friends, Billy Heroman’s Flowers & Gifts is the place to call for the most beautiful and unique green florals in town.

Did You Know? St. Patrick was not Irish, he was born to a family in Great Britain. As a young man, he was kidnapped by pirates and was held captive in Ireland. After his release, he became a priest and returned to Ireland to be a missionary to the local Celtic druid peoples.

St. Patrick's DayThere are only 4.5 million people in all of Ireland, but over 36 million people in the United States claim to be of Irish descent. The holiday actually made its way to North America by way of Irish immigrants who landed in Boston and New York in the early 1700’s.  The earliest recorded St. Patrick’s Day celebrations were in Boston in 1737, and the parades followed about 20 years later – however, both cities claim rights to that honor. Here are a few pieces of trivia you might find interesting:

* The four leaf clover is not the official symbol of St. Patrick’s Day, although it is considered to be the “lucky” variety. The more common 3-leaf shamrock was the actual plant used by Patrick to teach children about the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.

St. Patrick's Day

* St. Patrick’s given name is Maewyn Succat, He chose the name Patrick – which means “well-born” – when he became a priest. We are glad for that, because “Happy Maewyn Succat Day!” doesn’t work quite so well.

* Patrick never chased snakes out of Ireland. Historians agree that is a myth, but it is a persistent one, and many iconic images of the saint show him surrounded by the reptiles.

Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated by wearing green clothing, drinking green beer, going to parades, and eating corned beef and cabbage. If you claim Irish heritage, or you simply ascribe to the truth that “everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!” , you’ll love the beautiful green floral arrangements at Billy Heroman’s Flowers and Gifts.This March 17th, dress up your home or office in a little green as well!