We’ve all heard the expression, “April showers bring May flowers,” but what do May’s flowers bring?
Aside from our abject appreciation, they give way to June’s flowers, or the blossoms of early summer, to wax poetic about it. Billy Heroman’s Flowers & Gifts loves what every season brings flower-wise, but there’s certainly something about summer. The flowers that thrive then are some of the most dazzling of the year, saturated with color, bursting with interest. And that’s why we want to do a sneak peek at what’s in store, and also to point out how many flowers spring and summer share in common, making the transition from May to June not only easy but beautiful.
For instance, our Secret Garden makes much of the natural bounty of the warmest months. Hydrangea and other pastel blooms offer a serene feeling. The entire look is as clean and inviting as a new garden bed just beginning to bloom.

The summer season signifies a lot of things—longer, lazier days. Pool parties, barbecues, travel. But one of the things we love most is how many flowers and plants are blooming everywhere, a condition that is easy to mimic in our homes by bringing some indoors.