Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Best Florist in the Baton Rouge Area

Bouquets and Flowers for the New Year

The New Year represents a fresh slate, a new opportunity. There is a so much hope, optimism, and possibility! No matter how you choose to usher in 2017, the floral designers at Billy Heroman's Flowers have come up with the perfect flowers for the New Year. The reason why white flowers are so popular at weddings is because they represent the promise of a brand new beginning. For the same reason, they are often used to create gorgeous New Year's arrangements. There is just something pure and innocent about January 1, like a fresh snowfall. Read More about Bouquets and Flowers for the New Year »
Posted by Todd McBride on December 15, 2016 | Last Updated: December 25, 2016 Uncategorized

Secret Santa and Holiday Gifts

We all love giving and receiving gifts, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to find the perfect gift for everyone. If you are involved with a Secret Santa gift exchange, finding several creative gifts that will surprise and delight them may seem daunting, but it is easy when you partner with Billy Heroman's Flowers and Gifts. When it comes to great holiday gifts that are a bit out of the ordinary, we've got this Santa thing down. Special Delivery - As Secret Santa exchanges generally require anonymity, call us and let us know what you are up to - we'll be happy to help you to coordinate delivery without giving away your secret. Read More about Secret Santa and Holiday Gifts »
Posted by Todd McBride on December 8, 2016 Uncategorized

Caring for your Classic Poinsettia

There are many symbols of the Christmas season - the glittering tree, the festively wrapped presents - and the classic poinsettia plant. You know the Christmas season has arrived when you begin to see the familiar vibrant red flowers appearing in lobbies, at front desks, and in office cubicles. The poinsettia is known for being beautiful, easy to maintain and long-lasting. And when you get yours from Billy Heroman's Flowers and Gifts, you can be assured that your plant was grown locally in Baton Rouge, right in our own greenhouses. Poinsettias grow in red, white and pink, and can be kept vivid and fresh throughout the holiday season with just a few simple maintenance tips. Read More about Caring for your Classic Poinsettia »
Posted by Todd McBride on November 28, 2016 | Last Updated: November 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Christmas Showroom – Seasonal Decor

The holidays are fast approaching, and Billy Heroman's Baton Rouge Christmas Showroom is open! For over 5 decades, Billy Heroman’s has been providing gorgeous seasonal decor for homes, offices, and corporate buildings - complete with professional decorating services!  It is never too early to get started! What You'll Find: We have everything you will need to decorate your Christmas tree, and you can also purchase silk trees or our fully decorated showroom trees. You can choose from silk wreaths and garlands that you can customize, or pre-designed and ready to take home. You will also find stocking holders, Santa figurines of all kinds, angels, nutcrackers, gingerbread houses, nativity scenes and other Christmas ceramics. Read More about Christmas Showroom – Seasonal Decor »
Posted by Todd McBride on November 8, 2016 | Last Updated: November 24, 2016 Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Customs

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } Thanksgiving is the official kickoff of the holiday season. It is a time filled with traditions, customs, and special memories. And this year, over family dinners and across decorated tables, many more stories and Thanksgiving customs are sure to unfold. Whether you are hosting your family and friends at your house, or headed to a loved one's home, the Thanksgiving arrangements, decor, and gifts at Billy Heroman's Flowers will create a beautiful atmosphere and ambiance for the holiday. Read More about Thanksgiving Customs »
Posted by Todd McBride on October 28, 2016 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Centerpieces – Specials & Deals

The Thanksgiving meal is the most celebrated of our traditions - gathering together with family and friends, eating our favorite foods, and creating special memories all take place around the holiday table. As the Best Florist in Baton Rouge, Billy Heroman's Flowers & Gifts has been a part of local family customs for decades. This year, our professional designers have once again hand-crafted gorgeous new centerpiece designs that will add warmth, beauty, and ambiance to your decor. We design centerpieces in many styles and sizes - and we know these flowers will become a tradition that your family will absolutely love. Read More about Thanksgiving Centerpieces – Specials & Deals »
Posted by Todd McBride on October 26, 2016 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized