June is National Rose Month, which gives us the opportunity to officially tell the world how much we love roses. Roses are not only the most popular flowers for all occasions, but they also have a very interesting story. This month, in honor of the classic rose, we offer some fun facts and trivia that you may not have known.
And if you are looking to send some roses to someone you love, start at Billy Heroman’s Flowers. For National Rose Month and year-round, we have the most beautiful blooms in Baton Rouge.

Rose of Many Colors: There are over 150 species of roses, and they grow in many colors. However, you will never find a naturally occurring blue or black rose – they are actually missing a gene that would be needed to create these hues. Although you may see “black roses” being sold, the variety is actually a very dark shade of red.
Roses Go Beyond Expectations: There is a rose bush in Germany that has been in place and blooming for over 1,000 years. There is a another rosebush in Tombstone, Arizona which has over 200,000 blooms on a single bush. The plant grows up and over multiple arbors which guests can sit under and enjoy. It is sae to say that the rose is an incredible flower.
From the Least to the Greatest: Some varieties of roses have buds that are no larger than a grain of rice. The largest rose bloom ever cultivated was in California, and it measured a whopping 33 inches across its petals.
Roses are pretty extraordinary, but perhaps the most spectacular thing about them is how they make us feel. This June, send a bouquet of roses to someone special. Billy Heroman’s Flowers is here to help you to choose the perfect color and design for any occasion – or no occasion at all!