There are some things we wait all year for: pumpkin spiced lattes. Fall candles. Cooler weather. Rustic stews. Mums are one of those things.
Billy Heroman’s Flowers & Gifts has you covered in that respect, with prolific, abundant mum plants that are just begging to be clustered around your entryway or water-falling down your front steps. Nothing says “welcome to my home” like a lush spill of golden mums. Trust us.
The vibrant golden hue of our Garden Mum Plant is like a splay of autumn sunshine at your front door. Of course you can put these out back or even indoors, but we love the look of them bundled together out front, where everyone can see you’ve got the Fall spirit in spades. Mums are enduring, somewhere between hardy plant and delicate flower, and they easily invoke the richer textures of the season.

And if you’re invited to a party this season, gift your host with a mum. Who would turn down such a present? They cast that earthy, slightly spicy scent to boot. A variety of containers can be deployed to give your mum extra personality or to blend it with existing decor. Have fun with mums this season; you won’t regret it.