Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Posted by Todd McBride on October 4, 2013 | Last Updated: March 4, 2014 Uncategorized

The Perfect Plant for Fall!


Chrysanthemums are the perfect flower for fall because they love to show off their vibrant and plentiful blooms for weeks at a time during this season.

If you are planting mums during the fall season, be aware that these plants probably will not last the winter season as they have not had time to establish their roots. That being said, you can treat mums planted in the fall as annuals and just re-plant year to year. The location of the plant is the key. Mums must be planted in fertile soil with adequate drainage, as they do not like their “feet” wet. Make sure the area or container has plenty of space for the formed root ball. And be sure to choose a location that exposes the plant to AT LEAST 6 hours of sunlight per day. Water well and continue to water every other day and adjust accordingly.

If you are planting mums as perennials, it is best to plant during the spring season in order to have fully established roots for the upcoming seasons. Follow the same rules as annuals as far as location, soil, and watering are concerned. To make sure your mums last through the winter season, protect them with several inches of mulch. When spring comes, cut back stems and fertilize. If your plant blooms during the spring, pinch them back before the end of summer to encourage fall blooms.

Chrysanthemums are a great addition to any flowerbed and are fairly easy to care for.

Purchase your fall Chrysanthemums through our website here: