In the U.S., June is the most popular month for marriage, and we here at Billy Heroman’s Flowers & Gifts understand why. Weather-wise, most of the country has its fair share of blue-skies-and-sunshine. Flowers are at their rosiest (forgive the pun), and it’s an optimal time to travel. And where there are weddings, there are anniversaries. If June is all about the wedding flower bounty, it follows that it’s awash in anniversary blooms, too.
If you find yourself in the group that has been either a) married in June or b) closely related to someone who has, then you’ve probably got some floral giving to do. There are two anniversaries that specifically call for roses: the 15th and the 50th. In the latter case, you’d give yellow roses, but on the 15th, anything goes. And that’s the same for any anniversary, in terms of color. Tailor it to your sweetheart’s tastes! We love our Rose Cube Any Color for this very reason. First of all, the shape is modern, somewhere between polished and wild. The greens offer a lovely, softening effect, and the cube vase is clean and contemporary.

Whatever flowers you choose to give your honey this June, know that there are plenty of options available. It’s the high season for flowers, after all.