Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Billy Heromans Flowers & Gifts

Posted by Todd McBride on November 28, 2016 | Last Updated: November 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Caring for your Classic Poinsettia

There are many symbols of the Christmas season – the glittering tree, the festively wrapped presents – and the classic poinsettia plant. You know the Christmas season has arrived when you begin to see the familiar vibrant red flowers appearing in lobbies, at front desks, and in office cubicles. The poinsettia is known for being beautiful, easy to maintain and long-lasting. And when you get yours from Billy Heroman’s Flowers and Gifts, you can be assured that your plant was grown locally in Baton Rouge, right in our own greenhouses.

Poinsettias grow in red, white and pink, and can be kept vivid and fresh throughout the holiday season with just a few simple maintenance tips.

classic poinsettia
classic poinsettia
  • The plant should be kept in temperatures of 65-75 degrees during the day, and a bit cooler at night.
  • The plant will love sitting in sunlight on the windowsill, but don’t let it touch a cold pane or be in the path of a draft – either warm or cold – as the leaves will wilt.
  • When the soil is dry to the touch, water the plant well. Drain any excess water, as the roots will rot if they rest in standing water. Keep in mind, when you bring your poinsettia home, some leaves may grow yellow and drop. This is perfectly normal, as the plant is simply adapting to its new environment.

The classic poinsettia comes in a wide variety of sizes, making them equally appropriate for a desktop or an outdoor planter. If you are looking for the perfect Christmas flower this season, you’ll find it at Billy Heroman’s Flowers & Gifts.

Don’t forget, we also have beautiful fresh flower arrangements, exotic holiday plants, direct ship holiday gifts, and striking centerpieces for your holiday table. In fact, no matter who is on your Christmas list, we’ll take care of making sure every gift is delivered just in time for a perfect holiday.